Filtering by: “Avampato Discovery Museum”

Discover Engineering Day

Discover Engineering Day

  • 1 Clay Square Charleston, WV, 25301 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore the world of engineering and STEM with a special family fun day for all ages! Discover Engineering Day will showcase STEM education and the many branches of engineering with fun, interactive activities and displays by a variety of local engineering firms, colleges and universities.

Presented by West Virginia American Water, Arclin, Dow, and TOYOTA.

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Winter WonderLabs

Winter WonderLabs

Looking for something to do over winter break? Shake off those winter wiggles and come to the Clay Center for our Winter Wonderlabs at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM each day! Families will explore different STEAM topics together and make some chilly discoveries along the way!

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Winter WonderLabs

Winter WonderLabs

Looking for something to do over winter break? Shake off those winter wiggles and come to the Clay Center for our Winter Wonderlabs at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM each day! Families will explore different STEAM topics together and make some chilly discoveries along the way!

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