Clay Center Endowment

Ensuring the Clay Center’s future is as bright as its past.

Thankfully, we know what we have because of the Clay Center. Our area has a beautiful facility, a phenomenal art museum, unique learning exhibits for children, and an unparalleled performance hall with a past slate of amazing musicians, including Tony Bennett, Harry Connick Jr., Sheryl Crow and many more. But, where would Charleston, the state of West Virginia, and the region be without the Clay Center?

The question begs asking. Chances are, in addition to the assets listed above, we would lack the considerable economic benefit the Center brings to the city and region. Additionally, schoolchildren throughout the state would not have the special opportunity for arts and science education provided by the Center. Since the Center opened in 2003, approximately 50,000 schoolchildren have been exposed to arts and science programs each year—that’s around 850,000 kids! The Clay Center’s ability to increase cultural and educational opportunities, especially for youth, is central to its value.

A robust endowment will ensure the continuity of these good works. Endowments are “asset banks” that produce spinoff each year—income that can be used for vital operations and programs. Just as a farmer enjoys a harvest because of work done months—sometimes years—in advance, many nonprofit organizations must lay groundwork to provide future offerings. The Clay Center encourages all supporters to assist by “planting seeds” and nourishing them so that our future will be as bright as our past. Our menu of programming creates passion and excitement, and we hope you will consider providing today for the harvests of the future.

Our vision is to make the Clay Center accessible to a wide audience of visitors—to provide every West Virginia school the opportunity to send its children to the Center without charge, and to provide broad access to the community for our programming in the performing and visual arts and sciences.

To accomplish this, a fundraising initiative is underway to increase the Center’s permanent endowment. These additional funds will be used to allow free access to the Center’s museum for school groups, provide free workshops and lectures to the community, and allow the Center to meet operational expenses.

A gift of any size will help the Clay Center fulfill its mission of inspiring creativity, learning, and wonder through experiences in the arts and sciences for all people of West Virginia and the region.

To make a gift or for more information, please contact:
Kathy Bush, The W. Marston & Katharine B. Becker VP of Development